The Bookshelf Conversation #179: Andy Martino

June 26, 2024 · 1 comment always felt a bit jealous of beat writers like Andy Martino. They get to go to every game, sit in (mostly) the best seats, have great access, etc. Of course, that’s an idealistic view. Travel can be brutal, players can be jerks (as can writers and their editors), competition can be fierce. Look at baseball movies and novels; aside from Sam Blake in The Pride of the Yankees, can you think of any reporter who wasn’t antagonistic to the point you wonder why he was in that profession? Of course, this does not apply to Martino. I just went off on one of my patented tangents.

Martino’s latest, The Yankee Way: The Untold Inside Story of the Brian Cashman Era,i s something of a hybrid. Part team history, part Cashman bio, part Moneyball-esque business treatise, it’s an education on many fronts.

Martino, who published Cheated: The Inside Story of the Astros Scandal and a Colorful History of Sign Stealing in 2021, does another superb job in capturing the climate of the Yankees organization, a view many fans never get to see (here’s my review on


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